Semantic segmentation

Semantic segmentation

Licence : Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Copyright : Jeremy Fix, CentraleSupelec
Last revision : January 23, 2024 09:11
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The objective of this lab work is to implement and explore convolutional neural networks for semantic segmentation. Semantic segmentation seeks to learn a function \(f\), parametrized by \(\theta\) which takes as input a colored image \(I\) of arbitrary shape \(H\times W\) and outputs an images of labels of the same shape \(H \times W\) than the input. Indeed, we seek to label every single pixel of the image as belonging to one of \(K\) predefined classes.

In this labwork, we will be working with the large Stanford 2D-3D S dataset. This dataset is built from 3D scans of buildings with multiple annotation types (pixelwise depth, pixel class, pixelwise normals, scene category). We will consider only the pixelwise class labeling. The data have been collected in 6 different areas.

Area Number of images
1 10,327
2 15,714
3 3,704
4 13,268
5 17,593
6 9,890
Total 70,496

Below is an example of the input RGB image and the associated labels

Semantic segmentation : pixelwise classifcation
Semantic segmentation : pixelwise classifcation

There are \(14\) classes, the first being for the unlabeled pixels.

Setup and predefined scripts

For this lab work, you are provided with environment setup files, either a environment.yml if you are using conda and a requirements.txt file if you are a pipenv/pip/virtualenv/etc..

On the CentraleSupelec clusters, I advise you to use a virtual environment, created with venv for example, as conda requires a lot of dependencies to be installed and can sometimes be cumbersome.

sh11:~:mylogin$ python3 -m venv $TMPDIR/venv
sh11:~:mylogin$ source $TMPDIR/venv/bin/activate
(venv) sh11:~:mylogin$  python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

If your enviromnent is correctly created and activated, the following should work

(venv) sh11:~:mylogin$ python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__)"

Your are also provided with some base code :

Data exploration

You are provided with the StanfordDataset class which is a pytorch dataset object, i.e. an object implementing the __len__ and __getitem__ methods. The constructor expects follows the VisionDataset interface and expects :

Question: For our problem, what is the dimensionality and type of the tensors you expect for the input and targets ?

Question : Instantiate your dataset and check that your guess is correct on one of the samples.

If you were to plot the distribution of the classes over the \(71000\) masks of size \(1080\times 1080\), the relative proportion of the labels are \(1.26\%\), \(1.57\%\), \(2.71\%\), \(7.17\%\), \(9.94\%\), \(3.87\%\), \(11.23\%\), \(3.05\%\), \(10.98\%\), \(8.45\%\), \(0.33\%\), \(2.88\%\), \(33.67\%\), \(2.88\%\) which is really unbalanced. These figures are ordered the same than the labels on the image at the top, hence \(33.67\%\) of the labeled pixels are “wall”, and only \(0.33\%\) are “sofa”. There are several ways to combat this imbalance. One could be in the data sampler when the minibatches are built. Another one is to use an adapted loss function. More on that later in the loss section.

Question : Some of the labels in the dataset are noisy. For example, check the input image and mask of the image indexed \(2702\) (of the area 5a), corresponding to the filename area_5a/data/semantic/camera_ff5f377af3b34354b054536db27565ae_hallway_7_frame_4_domain_semantic.png. This noise in the oracle, as well as the one possibly induced by the unknow class, has to be kept in mind as this will certainly prevent a perfect generalization.

The noise in the orcale may also leads to divergence of the cross entropy loss. Since the cross entropy loss read \(-log(p_{y_i})\), if the labels are noisy and your model is super good, the probably of the incorrectly labeled pixels will make the loss diverge.

(venv) sh11:~:mylogin$ python --area 5a --datadir /mounts/Datasets4/Stanford2D-3D-S

Data pipeline

The data are loaded and the dataloaders are built by calling get_dataloaders from the data module.

The raw images have a size of \(1080 \times 1080\). If we keep large images, the minibatches and their successive transformations will occupy a large space in GPU memory. At least, we can resize the images, e.g. to \(256\times 256\), and still keep reasonnable segmentations.

In addition to resize images to a smaller size, we can add data augmentation in our pipeline. Remember, data augmentation is a set of transforms applied to the input which have a predictable influence on the output.

For semantic segmentation, several can be considered, such as RandomCrop, HorizontalFlip, MaskDropout, CoarseDropout. You can have a look at the list of transforms provided by albumentation here.

The transforms are organized into modules with albumentations, e.g. CoarseDropout is defined in albumentations.augmentations.dropout.coarse_dropout.CoarseDropout. However, the code of albumentations imports all the classes of the submodules recursively on the parent script. Hence, the coarse dropout (and all the others) can be simply created by calling A.CoarseDropout() if you import albumentations as A.

In the provided code, the data loading pipeline simply :

Question In the train function of the main script, implement the data augmentation operations you identified as relevant. For testing visually your data augmentation pipeline, you can implement your data augmentation pipeline in the function and evaluate the script to see the results. Once satisfied, you can inject your augmentations in the script.

Question How would you quantify the quality of the hyperparameters of your augmentation pipeline ?

Model implementation

The parametric model you learn takes as input a 3-channel image and outputs a probability distribution over the \(14\) classes. There has several several propositions in the litterature to adress this problem such as FCN (Long, Shelhamer, & Darrell, 2015), UNet (Ronneberger, Fischer, & Brox, 2015), VNet (Milletari, Navab, & Ahmadi, 2016), SegNet(Badrinarayanan, Kendall, & Cipolla, 2017), DeepLab v3+ (Chen, Zhu, Papandreou, Schroff, & Adam, 2018). In this labwork, I propose we code the UNet of 2015 and you might want to implemented DeepLabv3+ as a homework :)

UNet is a fully convolutional network (FCN), i.e. involving only convolutional operations (Conv2D, MaxPool , …; there is no fully connected layers).

Question What does it mean that UNet is a fully convolutional network ? What does it mean with respect to the input image sizes it can process ?

Question For minibatch training, what is the constraint that we have on the input image sizes ?

The name U-Net comes from the very specific shape of this encoder-decoder network with a contracting pathway for the encoding following by an expanding pathway for the decoding. The contracting pathway is expected to learn higher and higher level features as we progress deeper in the network and the expanding pathway to merge these highlevel features with the finer grain details brought by the encoder through skip layer connections.

UNet architecture for semantic segmentation
UNet architecture for semantic segmentation

The provided code implements UNet with a UNetEncoder class and a UNetDecoder class. Both the UNetEncoder and UNetDecoder relies on repetition of blocks which are UNetConvBlock on the one hand and UNetUpConvBlock on the other hand.

UNetEncoder This downsampling pathway is made of :

Note that the output of block2, just before the downsampling is transmitted to the decoder stage, therefore the UNetConvBlock forward function outputs two tensors : one to be propagated along the encoder and one to be transmitter to the decoder.

Question In the script, implement the code in the UNetEncoder and UNetConvBlock classes. Check your code running the unit tests. Be sure to understand how the propagation is performed through the encoder blocks.

The output of the final layers of the encoder is a tensor of shape \((batch, 64\times 2^{\#blocks}, H/2^{\#blocks}, W/2^{\#blocks})\)

UNetDecoder This upsampling pathway is made of :

For the UNetUpConvBlock, when its input along the decoder pathway has \(c_0\) channels, its output has \(c_0/2\) channels since :

In order to output a score for each of the \(14\) classes, the very last layer of the decoder is a Conv(\(1\times 1\)) with the same number of channels than the number of classes.

Question In the script, implement the code in the UNetDecoder and UNetUpConvBlock classes. Check your code against the unit tests. Be sure to understand how the propagation is performed through the decoder blocks.

Once both the encoder and decoder classes are implemented, you can see that the UNet class is a simple wrapper around them.

Question In the script, within the main() function, write a piece of code for propagating a dummy tensor within your model. Is the output tensor the shape you expect ?

We are done with the model implementation, let us move on to the metrics and loss.

Evaluation metrics

Semantic segmentation is a multi-way classification task; One natural metric could be the accuracy but, if you remember, our classes are unbalanced.

Question What would be the accuracy of a predictor always predicting that a pixel is a wall ? Hint: some figures were given in the data exploration section.

To prevent to be mislead, a metric taking care of the class imbalance is the macro F1 score which reads

\[ F1 = \frac{1}{K}\sum_{k=0}^{K-1} \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} \frac{TP(x_i, y_i, k)}{TP(x_i, y_i, k) + \frac{1}{2}(FP(x_i, y_i, k)+FN(x_i, y_i, k))} \]

which is an \(F1\) computed for every class and then averaged over the number of classes.

Question What would be the macro F1 of a model always predicting a wall class ?

In the provided code the macro F1 is computed both on the training and validation folds.

Question Do you see in the script where this metric is computed and what is the use of the macro F1 on the validation fold ?

Loss implementation

We decided the macro F1 measure is the one to be optimized. Unfortunately, it does not bring in interesting information for a gradient based optimization.

Question According to you, why it is useless to use the F1 computed above for the gradient descent optimization of the parameters of our neural network ?

We need a differentiable proxy to that metric. This is still an open area of research (see for example (Yeung, Sala, Schönlieb, & Rundo, 2022)). Some of the options we will consider here are to use :

Other options could be to consider a Dice loss, a Tversky loss, a combination of these, or to use a batch sampler which could oversample the samples with the minority classes, etc …

Similarly to a batch sampler, a weighted cross entropy loss will put higher importance on the minority classes compard to the majority classes. The weighted cross entropy loss for a single pixel of class \(y\) with predicted probabilities \(\hat{y}_k, k \in [0, K-1]\) is given as:

\[ wBCE(y, \hat{y}) = - w_{y} \log(\hat{y}_y) \]

where the standard cross entropy loss is obtained with \(w_k = 1, \forall k \in [1, K]\).

Question Which values of the weights would you suggest to fight against class imbalance ? Some classical strategies are discussed in p2 of (Cui et al., 2019) as well as their own scaling strategy. From the pytorch documentation on the cross entropy loss, do you see how to specify these weights ?

Question Modify your code to implement the weighted cross entropy with the weighting strategy you choose.

Another option for the loss is the focal loss which adds a factor in front of the cross entropy loss term :

\[ focal(y, \hat{y}) = -(1-\hat{y}_y)^\gamma \log(\hat{y}_y) \]

with \(\gamma \geq 0\) a tunable parameter. Setting \(\gamma=0\), we recover the cross entropy loss. With higher \(\gamma\), correctly classified pixels have less and less influence, therefore if the most abundant labels are correctly predicted, they barely influence the loss despite their presence in excess. Compared to the cross entropy loss, each term in the focal is penalized by \[(1-\hat{y}_y)^\gamma\] You can look at (Lin et al., 2017) to see the influence of \(\gamma\) on this term or check this plot.

Question As it can be tricky to implement the focal loss, it is given to you. Do you see where this is implemented and which argument of the main script allows to use it ?

Training on a small subset

It is now time to run a training of your model. The training script accepts a list of areas ot train on with the --areas_train option. It is always a good idea to test on a small experiment to ensure everything is running well. You can run a training on area_3 by calling :

python --areas_train 3 --model .... --loss ... train

This training is not expected to lead to super performant models but should run at \(1\) or \(2\) minutes per epoch. Depending on the GPU you are using, you may need to reduce the footprint on the GPU’s memory, e.g. lowering the input image size, reducing the number of blocks of the encoder and decoder, …

Training over all the areas can take up to \(1\) hour per epoch. If you use the CentraleSupelec clusters, you can consider running a training over all the areas during your “free” time with slurm batch job. For this you are provided with a script. For now, let us move on to the next topics.

Question : While the simulation is running, several information (metrics, inference exemples, …) are dumped into a tensorboard. Take the time to visualize and understand them.


As training can take a long time, you are provided with a pretrained UNet. This model has been pretrained on areas 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. Therefore the areas 5a and 5b were excluded from training to be considered for testing only, although area 5a has been selected for validation (early stopping). Training has been done for \(100\) epochs, took 7 hours to complete although the best model has been found after \(2\) hours or so. You can download the pretrained model unet-10610_0.onnx.

The main script allows for testing on either a single image or whole areas. Check the arguments of

python test --datadir ... --model ... --modelpath ... --areas_test ... ... 

When you just want to use a model for inference, you have multiple possibilities to export your model :

  • use pytorch eager mode : this is what you do when you dynamically apply operations as nn.Module,
  • use torchscript : this is more efficient than eager mode; You loose the dynamic computational graph but you earn performance. You can also infer with Torhscript C/C++ which is even faster than Torchscript python,
  • use Onnx runtime which is a framework independent (no pytorch, tensorflow, etc..) computational graph evaluator available for various languages and platforms (e.g. Python, C++ but also for mobiles, embedded in web apps, ..)

In addition to even better performances (throughput and latency), the onnx format is perfect for abstracting the algorithm at its pure level of description without bells and whistles : a computational graph.

Question Visualize the computational graph with

Question Can you identify in the script where the model is exported with onnx. Reading the doc on torch.onnx.export do you understand what is the meaning of the arguments we provided to the call ?

Question Can you identify in the script where and how inference is performed with the onnx model ? Can you find more info on the package that is used for inference ?

Question Evaluate the quality of the pretrained model on both the training areas (1, 2, 3, 4 and 6) and on the unused areas 5a and 5b.

Question Your model can be evaluated on images of arbitrary sizes (width, height). Why do you think this is the case ?

Question Take a picture with your phone, from the web, from the test area in the dataset directory and check the results of inference on this image. Note that the script accepts a --image instead of a --datadir .. to process a single image.

Going further

There are several directions along which you could pursue the study of semantic segmentation. One is about the models. The U-Net architecture we consider has been release in 2015. You might be interested in implementing more recent architectures such as VNet (Milletari et al., 2016) or DeepLab v3+ (Chen et al., 2018). Another direction of study is on the losses. We explored some ways to fight against class imbalance with the weighted cross entropy loss and the focal loss. You might be interested in exploring over losses, such as the Tversky loss, the DICE loss, the Lovasz loss, the Matthews Correlation Coefficient loss (Abhishek & Hamarneh, 2021). It is interesting to implement your know loss but you might be interested in packages already implementing them such as smp

In terms of deployment, you could also push a little further the work by serving the onnx model with a webapi that could be requested with an image to label. Probably more on this soon.

A possible solution

You will find a possible solution in the LabsSolutions/01-pytorch-segmentation directory.


Abhishek, K., & Hamarneh, G. (2021). Matthews correlation coefficient loss for deep convolutional networks: Application to skin lesion segmentation. 2021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 225–229.

Badrinarayanan, V., Kendall, A., & Cipolla, R. (2017). SegNet: A deep convolutional encoder-decoder architecture for image segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 39(12), 2481–2495.

Chen, L.-C., Zhu, Y., Papandreou, G., Schroff, F., & Adam, H. (2018). Encoder-decoder with atrous separable convolution for semantic image segmentation. In V. Ferrari, M. Hebert, C. Sminchisescu, & Y. Weiss (Eds.), Computer vision – ECCV 2018 (pp. 833–851). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Cui, Y., Jia, M., Lin, T.-Y., Song, Y., & Belongie, S. (2019). Class-balanced loss based on effective number of samples. In 2019 ieee/cvf conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (cvpr) (pp. 9260–9269).

Lin, T., Goyal, P., Girshick, R. B., He, K., & Dollár, P. (2017). Focal loss for dense object detection. CoRR, abs/1708.02002. Retrieved from

Long, J., Shelhamer, E., & Darrell, T. (2015). Fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation. In Proceedings of the ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, CVPR. IEEE Piscataway, NJ.

Milletari, F., Navab, N., & Ahmadi, S.-A. (2016). V-net: Fully convolutional neural networks for volumetric medical image segmentation. 2016 Fourth International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 565–571.

Ronneberger, O., Fischer, P., & Brox, T. (2015). U-net: Convolutional networks for biomedical image segmentation. In N. Navab, J. Hornegger, W. M. Wells, & A. F. Frangi (Eds.), Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention – MICCAI 2015 (pp. 234–241). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Yeung, M., Sala, E., Schönlieb, C.-B., & Rundo, L. (2022). Unified focal loss: Generalising dice and cross entropy-based losses to handle class imbalanced medical image segmentation. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 95, 102026.